Off Road Vehicle Use

Published on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 at 9:49:12 AM


Concerns have been raised by Southern Cross residents relating to off-road vehicle use within the boundaries of Southern Cross townsite, including the bushland up to Three Boys Road. 

Due to the nuisances caused to nearby residents, particularly noise issues and damage to the environs, off-road vehicle users are requested to avoid these areas.

What is an Off-Road Vehicle

The Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978 (the Act), defines an off-road vehicle as:

“a vehicle which is not licensed, deemed to be licensed, or the subject of a permit granted, under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012”

This includes but is not limited to motorbikes, quadbikes, some scooters and buggies.

Where can Off-Road Vehicles be Driven

The Act states off-road vehicles are only permitted to be driven/ridden:

  • On privately owned land with the consent of the owners: and
  • On land designated as a “permitted area” by the Minister of Local Government.

The Shire of Yilgarn has no “permitted areas” designated by the Minister, which means off-road vehicles should only be operated on private land, with the consent of the owner.

The Southern Cross Motorcycle Club is located on Southern Cross South Road.  Visit their website for contact and membership details:

The Shire and Southern Cross Police will respond to nuisances around town sites and residences.


When riding, operators must do so in a responsible manner, such that noise and dust does not create a nuisance for residents. 


Both the Shire of Yilgarn and WA Police can enforce the requirements of the Act.

The Shire has been in contact with Southern Cross Police, seeking assistance in policing nuisance riders of off-road vehicles within the vicinity of the Southern Cross town site and bushland between Three Boys Road.  It should be noted penalties do apply and if caught on gazetted roads, your off-road vehicle may be seized.

For further information, please contact the Shire of Yilgarn on 9049 1001 or Southern Cross  Police Station on 9081 2100.

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