Harvest Bans

Information on Harvest Bans can be obtained by calling the Emergency Information Service Hotline on 08 9487 8777.

This service is updated daily during harvest months with information on harvest and vehicle movement bans, as well as on airport closures, fires, road closures and other emergency information.

We also encourage residents to register with the automated SMS and email notification service “Whispir” by signing up via the text sign up number found HERE or contacting the Shire.

Shire of Yilgarn

Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans

Operations Policy


  1. Harvest and vehicle Movement Bans

Upon the implementation of a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban by the Shire of Yilgarn, the following applies:

  • The use or operation of any engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery is prohibited within a paddock or lot, if the paddock or lot contains crop or pasture. This includes driving on roads/tracks that pass through such paddocks or lots;


  • The use or operation of any engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery within 5 metres of a paddock or lot referred to in item 1.1 of this policy is prohibited;


  • Off-Road activity is prohibited.



  1. Exemptions

    • Vehicles carting water for stock is exempt, on the provision it is in the best interests of animal welfare, and a minimum of 600L remains in the vessel at all times and is able to be readily applied in the event of a fire;


  • The use or operation of any engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery within road reserves are exempt, on the provision the use is not likely to cause a fire;


Please note, the provisions for a declared Total Fire Ban take precedence over these exemptions.



  1. Definitions

    • Off-road Activity: Has the meaning applied under the Bush Fires Regulations 1954, and generally means, the use or operation of any engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery on land on which there is bush or which is under crop or pasture or stubble.


  • Engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery: means any engine, motor vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery that is, or that is activated by, an internal combustion engine.


  • Crop: means a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food.


  • Pasture: means land covered with grass or other vegetation that is suitable for feeding animals on.