Community Survey
Review of Community Strategic Plan
The Shire of Yilgarn is undertaking a comprehensive review of its Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 to develop where appropriate, new directions and strategies as part of its integrated planning process. The new plan will shape Council’s direction for the next ten years, 2020-2030 and beyond. The Plan is required to be adopted by council prior to 30 June 2020 and it is important that this process is started now to ensure a thorough public engagement process is undertaken.
It is important for Council to consult with the whole community and therefore, your input into the long term direction, future vision and aspirations for the Shire of Yilgarn is integral to the Plan’s development.
As with all future planning processes, resources (both human and capital), budget constraints, legislation and common-sense, play a critical role in what can be achieved and incorporated into the final document.
The Community Survey is one way in which Council will be undertaking the consultation process, it is also planned to conduct public meetings and one-on-one discussions with key stakeholders to ensure residents have every opportunity to participate.
To cover a wider audience as possible, the Survey can be completed online by CLICKING HERE. For those unable to complete the survey online, one will be delivered via post to all residents.
Whether you’re young, older, have recently moved to the Shire of have been a long-time resident, your feedback is extremely important to Council as it develops the above Plan.
The online survey will close at 5.00pm on Friday 6th September 2019. Hand written Surveys can be returned to the Shire of Yilgarn, PO Box 86, Southern Cross WA 6426 or deposited into the specially marked Survey Box at the Shire Offices.
Peter Clarke
Chief Executive Officer