In accordance with Section 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, it is hereby notified for public information that the following dates and times have been set for the Shire of Yilgarn’s 2023 Ordinary meetings of Council:-
Monthly Ordinary Council meetings to commence at 5:00pm on the following dates: -
January 2023 No Meeting Scheduled
Thursday, 16th February 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Thursday, 16th March 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Thursday, 20th April 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Thursday, 18th May 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Thursday, 15th June 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Thursday, 20th July 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Thursday, 17th August 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Thursday, 21st September 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Thursday, 19th October 2023 Mt. Hampton Hall
Thursday, 16th November 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Thursday, 21st December 2023 Council Chambers Southern Cross
Prior to the commencement of the Council Meeting, a Councillor Briefing Session will be conducted at 4.00pm.
The above meetings are open to the public and commence at 5.00pm. A 15 minute Public Question Time is allocated at the commencement of each meeting where residents are welcome to ask questions, with or without notice, or raise an issue considered relevant to the operations of Council. In some cases prior notification of a proposed question is considered prudent, particularly if the matter requires some research. Residents are also welcome to attend the whole meeting however, they are not permitted to speak (unless directed by the Shire President) or take part in debate on any agenda item.
Other meetings such as the Annual Meeting of Electors and Special Meetings of Council called for a specific issue are advertised separately.
Nic Warren